The Municipality of Kozani, in collaboration with the Cluster of Bioeconomy & Environment of Western Macedonia – CLUBE, is an active member of the European project “CrAFt – Creating Actionable Futures”. The CrAFt project is part of the European Union’s New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative and aims to put climate neutrality in the heart of cities.

The project promotes the ways to implement climate neutrality, and supports the NetZeroCities platform with the aim of designing and developing Climate Neutrality Plans per City, based on knowledge from the 3 CrAFt model cities (Bologna, Prague and Amsterdam) and 60 CrAFT member cities.

In the context of the above project, Kozani presented good practices as well as strategic priorities for Climate Neutrality until 2030, in a teleconference in which the 60 CrAFT member cities participated.

As a Lighthouse City of the NEB, Kozani is strongly influenced by the New European values ​​of the Bauhaus. Aesthetics, Sustainability and Inclusiveness are reflected in the actions that took place in Kozani; the involvement of citizens, especially children, who are approached and trained as the “future citizens” of their community, as well as activities for the participation of citizens, who are treated as equal partners in the planning process, are important examples of good practice that they could be an inspiration for other cities.

In addition, the exchange of knowledge through continuous meetings, workshops and citizen interaction events as well as the creation of a local network, capable of leading the transformation process of the city, are part of the actions carried out in Kozani with the aim of achieving climate neutrality.

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