The mayor of Kozani, Lazaros Maloutas, is participating in a conference with the central theme of the transition to urban climate neutrality in Greece, today at the “Dimokritos” Conference Center, in Athens.

The conference is implemented within the framework of the European project CapaCITIES (Building Capacities for the Climate Neutral and Smart Cities Mission), in which the Institute of Sustainable Mobility & Transport Networks of EKETA actively participates (representing Greece), in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Research & Innovation.

The CapaCITIES project aims to create a European environment that will favor the transitions of urban climate neutrality, but also the strengthening of national change processes, by creating national networks and governance structures.

Patrick Child, Manager of EU Climate-Neutral & Smart Cities Mission, is “present” at the conference, speaking with the representatives of six Greek cities and one city in Cyprus, which participate in the Mission.

In the context of the discussion, the mayor of Kozani raised with the director of the Mission issues concerning the institutional and financial support of the cities on their way to climate neutrality.

Mr. Maloutas referred to issues such as the bureaucratic difficulties of implementing the projects, but also the obstacles in the field of financing projects in the energy sector. In addition, the mayor underlined that the goal is to provide assistance to the municipalities, which will promote abroad the image of our country in the field of climate neutrality. Furthermore, he pointed out the need for an immediate legislative response to innovative initiatives, but also the adoption of the belief by the State, that the efforts of the municipalities, in the context of the Mission, constitute a National goal.

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